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About LTQF - Lietuvos kvalifikacijų sandara

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About LTQF

Qualifications framework

Like the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the Lithuanian Qualifications Framework (LTQF) has 8 qualification levels. Levels of qualifications are arranged hierarchically, in accordance with the criteria defining qualifications’ levels: complexity, autonomy and a range of activities which a person with certain qualifications can be expected to carry out. The LTQF includes qualifications for working and learning, the main purpose of which is to prepare a person for further learning. Such qualifications are acquired upon completion of general lower or upper secondary education programmes.

VET qualifications are attributed to the first five levels of the LTQF in the Lithuanian qualifications system. Qualifications at levels 1-4 are acquired by completing vocational education and/or general education programmes, whereas qualifications at level 5 are acquired by completing training programmes intended for people with a vocational qualification and professional experience, short cycle study programmes, and/or through professional experience and independent study.

Level 6 qualifications are acquired by completing cycle one of university or college studies and/or through professional experience and independent study.

Level 7 qualifications are acquired by completing cycle two of university studies or integrated study programmes and/or through professional experience and independent study.

Level 8 qualifications are acquired by completing doctoral studies and/or through professional experience and independent study.

Qualifications awarded at present in the LTQF:

8Doctoral diploma
7Master diploma
Certificate of residency
6Bachelor diploma
Professional bachelor diploma
5Study certificate
VET diploma*
4VET diploma
Matura diploma**
(on completion of the upper-secondary education programme
and passing matura examinations)
3VET diplomaLower-secondary education certificate**
(completion of lower-secondary education programme and testing learning outcomes) (grades 5 to 10)
2VET diploma
1VET diploma

* Presently VET qualification is awarded at NQF level 5 and short cycle study programmes are being launched.

** The legislation defining provisions for general education curricula stipulates that learning outcomes of lower secondary education programmes are referenced with a third NQF level, whereas learning outcomes of upper-secondary education programmes are referenced with a fourth NQF level.

Source: The Qualifications and VET Development Centre (QVETDC), 2019

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